Nanomanufacturing, batteries and the energy transition.


  • Mon 21st Jun 2021

Research in the field of micro and nanotechnology has led to the development of materials with fundamentally new or improved functionality, which have the potential to revolutionise electronics, drug delivery, water purification, energy storage, and several other applications. These scientific discoveries can help address many of the grand challenges our society is facing, but unfortunately, too few of these new materials are implemented in real commercial devices. This is not because of a lack of commercial potential, but often because there are no manufacturing methods available that allow for controlled processing of these materials at scale. This talk will explore processes to structure nanomaterials using scalable manufacturing processes, and I will focus in particular on how these materials can be used for fabricating Li-Ion batteries.

Professor Michael De Volder, University of Cambridge

Michael De Volder is Professor of Advanced Materials Engineering at the Institute for Manufacturing - University of Cambridge. He performed his PhD research on MEMS actuators at the University of Leuven in Belgium and in part at the Tokyo Institute of Technology in Japan. He then joined the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the University of Michigan and Harvard University as a postdoc researcher in the field of nanotechnology. He also worked for several years at imec - an industry funded microelectronics research institute - before joining the Department of Engineering at the University of Cambridge. He is a recipient of an ERC starting grant as well as an ERC Consolidator Grant and he is holder of several industrial and academic awards including the Iwan Akerman Award and the Barco High-Tech Award. He is a Laureate of the Belgian Royal Academy and co-founder of one US and two UK based companies.

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